I have no idea how it is possible that our little baby is almost three years old, but he is. I think 3 is hitting me harder than 1 did. Three seems so big, no longer a baby, now a boy. =(
Garrett had his three year photos taken last week by Erin of Erin Tukua Photography. Erin was kind enough to let me crash her session and shoot beside her. I had so much fun, and learned a ton from her. She's so talented! While I still have a lot to learn, and i need to work on my editing skills, check out my own shots of my little cutie.

Melissa!!! You did a great job! I am super proud of you! You have made so much progress already this year, keep challenging yourself and you are going to be a knock out soon!
ya for new photo blogs
Awesome job!
Your horizontal shots get cut off because they are wider than the space allotted for your blog post. Happens to me all the time. You can adjust the HTML or post the photos in a smaller size.
Great job Melissa!
great job!
I think they look fantastic.... way to go girl.. I know I am no photographer but you got my vote on a job well done!!!
awesome job, Melissa! I love them all! What a wonderful thing to work with such a great mentor!
LOOKS Good to me!!
They're awesome, Melissa! And such a handsome model :)
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